Students Say The Real RDH Is Less Overwhelming

Real Information By Real Assistants & Hygienists

  • We offer courses that cover everything from dental assisting to hygiene

  • Get access to compact study guides, visuals, quizzes, and more with our online courses

  • Everything you need to know to succeed, even things you didn't learn in school

  • No other review offers all inclusive material for an entire year + free extensions at a one time low fee

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“I've always struggled with studying for big exams. It's very overwhelming. The Real RDH study material was a total game changer. I would read the material over and over again before I would go to bed at night. This platform is simply the best because it takes all the different information and puts it in one place. The only thing I wish I would have done differently is begun using this resource at the beginning of my education to reflect on the classes I had completed. I truly credit The Real RDH for my success with the NBDHE!”


“If you feel overwhelmed while looking at other board reviews and want simple and straightforward information, look no further! Organized and easy to follow, The Real RDH is the study guide for you!”


“I used Natalie's guides exclusively for my NBDHE study material and passed on the first try! Not only did I feel prepared going into the exam, but felt more confident in my knowledge to start a career in dental hygiene!" I absolutely recommend utilizing her board prep!!”


“I switched to and exclusively relied on Natalie's study guides in preparation for my NBDHE, after being disappointed with countless mistakes on a previously purchased board review book. Along with passing my NBDHE on the first try, I successfully passed the OSCE as well, after again, purchasing a separate prep course and finding Natalie's guides hit the material better. This was where The Real RDH paid off for me a second time, by not only providing correct information, but by offering it in a budget friendly manner.”


“The Real RDH review is the only reason I passed the NBDHE! I have extremely high test anxiety and The Real RDH helped calm that by simplifying all subjects and just going over what you need to know and not all the extra "fluff" other board reviews add. I tried every other board review out there and nothing was clicking, until I started studying The Real RDH's reviews. I owe her big time for helping me accomplish my goals!”


“Absolutely a must have study tool! With so much material and content out there to cover in preparation, it's frustrating trying to focus on what's key and what's necessary. Natalie's study guides are perfect in the fact that they give you a sense of direction! I loved how organized and easy to follow they were. It made studying so much less stressful! I definitely highly recommend this study guides, you won't regret it!”


“The Real RDH helped tremendously while preparing for my written exams. I felt very overwhelmed when it came to deciding what study material to use. The Real RDH cut through all the material and focused on the most important information from each subject studied in hygiene school. I was not overwhelmed by the information given by The Real RDH at all. I took the information from the review guides and made flash cards with it so that I could study it where ever and whenever. I wouldn't of made it through boards without this review! I highly recommend it!”


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